Hello There!
I’m Mike, a neuroscientist from the UK now living in California. After earning my BSc, MSc, and PhD, I dedicated my work to uncovering the mysteries of the brain. A few years ago, I wrote my first book, A Million Things To Ask A Neuroscientist - The Brain Made Easy, to lift the curtain on neuroscience for readers of all backgrounds and to answer the questions that I noticed people had about the brain in their daily lives. My goal was to make the science accessible and relatable, and in the process, I discovered how much I love connecting with others who share an interest in science.
The questions I explore in my books, including my latest release, A Billion Things To Ask A Neuroscientist, come directly from you, my readers. Research can be solitary work at times, but writing has allowed me to reach beyond the lab, building a community with everyone who reads, comments, or reaches out to talk about neuroscience.
Perhaps the best part of this journey is the creativity I get to bring to each book. In A Billion Things To Ask A Neuroscientist, I’ve added new features to make the experience even more interactive and engaging: video explanations designed to guide you through complex concepts, real brain dissections to offer an authentic neuroscientist’s view, and other additions that bridge the gap between reader and author. Each new idea I bring into my books is my way of connecting with you and sharing my passion for neuroscience in an innovative, immersive way, because, honestly, I love it!
What inspired you to start writing about neuroscience for a general audience?
I love neuroscience. I have been fortunate to build a career in neuroscience research, but not everyone has 15 years to dedicate to it. That’s where I come in. Writing for readers who share my passion and enthusiasm allows me to be creative and engaging when writing about everything I enjoy. It’s a privilege to be the person who can make neuroscience accessible, and that’s why I started writing.
How do you come up with the questions you answer in your books?
This book is a collaboration with everyone who is curious about the brain. Questions have been submitted to me specifically for this book, and I have spent years crafting the best answers to satisfy their curiosity. I love the passion that people have for science and learning, and I hope to capture that in my writing.
What do you hope readers take away from your books?
Hopefully, readers feel inspired and confident to tackle neuroscience they hear about in the news or in conversations. They uncover topics in the book that they feel excited and intrigued by, and this book gives them the background and confidence to follow their curiosity.
What would you say to someone who’s interested in neuroscience but finds it intimidating?
Neuroscience is for everyone. If you want to learn more and satisfy your curiosity, then you deserve to find the answers. Nobody starts off knowing everything; even experts have to start from the beginning. So find an author whose writing you find approachable and engaging, and just go for it. You'd be surprised how easy it is to learn something when you're passionate and excited about it. You've got this!